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  • 055. I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.

    055. I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.

  • 055. I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.

    055. I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.

  • 056. I honor and use my special skills and abilities.

    056. I honor and use my special skills and abilities.

  • 057. I find my life's work by looking within rather than without.

    057. I find my life's work by looking within rather than without.

  • 058. I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.

    058. I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.

  • 059. I now have my ideal life.

    059. I now have my ideal life.

  • 060. I know what I love to do and I do it.

    060. I know what I love to do and I do it.

  • 061. I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.

    061. I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.

  • 062. All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.

    062. All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.

  • 063. I am a valuable person. My path is important.

    063. I am a valuable person. My path is important.

  • 064. I value my time and energy.

    064. I value my time and energy.

  • 065. My path and life's work are my highest priorities.

    065. My path and life's work are my highest priorities.

  • 066. I accept and love myself for who I am right now.

    066. I accept and love myself for who I am right now.

  • 067. I honor and value my creativity and ideas.

    067. I honor and value my creativity and ideas.

  • 068. I am a special, unique person.

    068. I am a special, unique person.

  • 069. My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.

    069. My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.

  • 070. I give myself permission to be all I can be.

    070. I give myself permission to be all I can be.

  • 071. I commit to my path. I choose aliveness and growth.

    071. I commit to my path. I choose aliveness and growth.

  • 072. I follow my heart.

    072. I follow my heart.

  • 073. I can have what I want.

    073. I can have what I want.

  • 074. I invite and allow good to come into my life.

    074. I invite and allow good to come into my life.

  • 075. I flow with the current. I know that everything happens for my higher good.

    075. I flow with the current. I know that everything happens for my higher good.

  • 076. I am alert to my opportunities and I use them well.

    076. I am alert to my opportunities and I use them well.

  • 077. I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release me.

    077. I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release me.

  • 078. I love and honor everything I create.

    078. I love and honor everything I create.

  • 079. I change the world around me by changing myself.

    079. I change the world around me by changing myself.

  • 080. I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.

    080. I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.

  • 081. I create what I want easily and effortlessly.

    081. I create what I want easily and effortlessly.

  • 082. I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.

    082. I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.

  • 083. I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.

    083. I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.

  • 084. I know my value. I honor my worth.

    084. I know my value. I honor my worth.

  • 085. People value and honor my work.

    085. People value and honor my work.

  • 086. I always give my best.

    086. I always give my best.

  • 087. All the money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied.

    087. All the money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied.

  • 088. All the money I spend and earn brings me joy.

    088. All the money I spend and earn brings me joy.

  • 089. I surround myself with things that reflect my aliveness and energy.

    089. I surround myself with things that reflect my aliveness and energy.

  • 090. I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.

    090. I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.

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